Sunday, October 31, 2004


Keep fit.
Huh, what a misnomer that is. I have never really been athletically fit, even in the days at school when I was in the athletics team and in winter, played a ferocious game of hockey. I was always one who puffed and panted a lot. On a walking trip to the Cevennes, I brought up the rear every time, usually rather red in the face and doing the said puffing billy act.

So, I have already admitted to joining a gym, and the reason? Well, I wish to leave the rather select membership of the Puffin Bills. I am already into my second phase of exercises, new machines and longer, more strenuous activities. Only now, do I realise, that some of them could be likened to torture machines, and I am paying to do this!!!

Have you ever reached up to the top of the door frame and pulled yourself up on it? Well, if you could, I am impressed. Me?Never achieved that little activity. Up until now and the new machine.... I have to kneel down and then pull myself up against a weighted spring in five diferent ways, none of this hang onto the doorway simplicity, the grips have to be adhered to. So far, I am the only person that I have heard swearing at the machine, quietly mind you, but with a definite blue tinge to the air surrounding it. The next question is, why am I doing these exercises anyway? Ah, well, just think of those flaps at the back of your arms when you play bingo.

But I don't play bingo.....


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