Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I apologise in advance,
This is it - I have started writing the draft proposal for my thesis, so future blogs may well be rather boring as far as content goes. I hope I won't lose the natural style and go all educational, but I am determined to give this a go. Working with mPowerNet allowed me the luxury of completing four modules, so now I am going for the last one. To be honest I am terrified as this really will sort out out the 'men from the boys' if you understand what I mean! I am hoping that there is a hidden reserve of academic work and achievement lurking somewhere in my body, previous attempts to use it have not always been successful as other distractions always proved to be too powerful! (I spent valuable revision time when taking my A levels making hay for some friends in Devon..) O Levels had other distractions and I seem to remember the seaside was quite a lure when I was at college. As they say, I have the breaking power of a KitKat!!
So, bear with me, I shall go off gallivanting once a month, but I may be writing rather worse gibberish than usual in beween!


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