Kermit has arrived, he hopped into the garden this morning and took up residence in the same border, but in amongst the forget me nots - sweet? The pool is going to be done this week so he will soon have somewhere to float and croak to his heart's content. No jobs this week, so I shall have lots of time to spend on my degree module. The avoidance tactics have been too successful on that, I must knuckle down to some real work and try to get a pss mark on this module, then I 'only' have the long essay to do..... This is turning out to be a list and so might enter the boring blogs site, - it would probably win at this moment in time anyway. When I have a camera I will start to sort out the site and make it more interesting. But at this moment it is time to dig up the dandelions which are flowering in my lawn. As a certain person claims, it spoils the putting practise!
Saturday, April 26, 2003
About Me
- Name: Liz
- Location: Shropshire, United Kingdom
Saying that I have taken early retirement makes people very envious!! I can only say that it is the best step to have taken.
Plastic bags consumed this year:create your own visited countries map or vertaling Duits Nederlands
Previous Posts
- A very dear friend is going back to her job in the...
- The last three days have been largely devoted to w...
- I have just been browsing in another blog - stilli...
- What a lovely Easter, good family get togethers a...
- More lovely sunshine today, it makes doing nothing...
- The genome character caused much hilarity at the w...
- I have been geenomed - you might ask what that mea...
- That's it! I must get myself sorted to go away... ...
- That's interesting, my last posting failed miserab...
- Where does this all go?

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