Monday, June 02, 2003

The wonderful part of all this blogging is the network that you enter. It can lead you anywhere - as George Harrison sang, 'If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.' and that is fun.

Two hits away I found the site which has the most wonderful photography on it. (I haven't got onto inserting links yet - still in my first week of Blogging at the Plus level.) There is a section called photographs from the road and one of those series is called Whimsical People. This is a side of American people that I did not see in Florida, a sense of humour! Have a look at the site and see what you think.

Today is the 50 Anniversay of the Queen's Coronation - what has that got to do with Whimsical People? Well, bear with me...

Last year we had a bank holiday to celebrate her succession to the throne, on that day both my children came over for a meal. As they are ardently not Royalists and I am really only (can I say fractionally hearted if I don't count myself as even half-hearted?) in favour of having a promotional figurehead for the country who is not a member of any political party, (are you still with me?) I asked them to come and build a scarecrow with me. No hint of a celebratory meal you see.

They tolerated my whim, as they sometimes do and we built a rather ungainly but queenly scarecrow for the veg patch. She was dressed in red white and blue, resplendant with head scarf - (not I hasten to add one of those which cost in the hundreds!!) and reigned supreme up there.
I have to say that the veg did not thrive, it was one of the worst years for cropping anything and queenie gradually became bent double even though I could hardly believe that her tasks were onerous. But I was unknowingly creating a Whimsical Person - wish I'd known! I would have made a better job of her and taken the photogrphs. Now I am trying to imagine how to get everyone on this estate to do this as a group effort... somehow I think they would frogmarch me to Shelton first!

My firend is nagging me for photographs from the Florida holiday - here is the view from the balcony of my hotel room, sadly I never managed to capture the dolphins, but they loved this bay.


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