Friday, August 08, 2003

Oh No!!! Not Again!
I have, I've done it again. I vowed never to get into this state - ever again. I have fallen in love, completely, head over heels. No holds barred. He's lovely, smiley, got a gorgeous grin and laugh and I met him today at my first blogmeet! So exciting and rather weird.
Do you want to know who he is? Well, it's Akra Jnr who is the most lovely little man and has captured my heart. The weird part was meeting people that I seem to know through their blog and yet their names are so very different. Interestingly we touched on this in my last degree module, with the question about the reality of the person behind the name. Perhaps it is because I have not really been blogging for very long, have not really used chat rooms that are set up for unknown groups of people and so have little experience of chatting to people using pseudonyms, but it didn't matter at all once we had met. (Even Miss L is an interesting play on names, I have been known as Mrs P by many in the cricket world, but Miss L seems less usual.)
So Pewari and Akra Snr, you have a lovely son and I hope you will be happy living in Worcester. See you soon!


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