With his head tucked underneath his arm...
I knew it, it was bound to happen! All this does me no good! There's been a disaster in my little world... and it has been directly caused by cleaning. I was just proudly (there! that's the cause of this - pride!) dusting my study window sill when the little man I brought back from China fell over in shock and his head was knocked off! How do you apologise in Chinese? I've thrown away all the old glue so I can't stick him together until I've been shopping - and I can't go shopping until I have cleared the stairs, the circle goes round and round. I can't even find a cupboard to shout in because I 've just taken my favourite shouting cupboard down!! Oh drat, drat and double drat! I give up on this tidiness...
I knew it, it was bound to happen! All this does me no good! There's been a disaster in my little world... and it has been directly caused by cleaning. I was just proudly (there! that's the cause of this - pride!) dusting my study window sill when the little man I brought back from China fell over in shock and his head was knocked off! How do you apologise in Chinese? I've thrown away all the old glue so I can't stick him together until I've been shopping - and I can't go shopping until I have cleared the stairs, the circle goes round and round. I can't even find a cupboard to shout in because I 've just taken my favourite shouting cupboard down!! Oh drat, drat and double drat! I give up on this tidiness...

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