Sunday, October 12, 2003

Harvest for all
Livvy and I harvested the apples, green tomatoes and marrows yesterday. A small amount of the apples and marrows, but no less precious. There is nothing like growing veg for developing either feelings of extreme frustration or smug satisfaction! The slugs eat all the spinach now, but the beans have been wonderful, very pretty too - red, pink and white flowered varieties. Next year I must not plant them so close together though. The sweet peas did nothing, their root structure was not good enough I gather. I need to plant those now for next year. (!!!?) The tomatoes have lurved every little minute of our global warming here in Shropshire, so I am extremely pleased about those, but strangely the squashes have not squashed, - well only three tiddlers. I shall pack up the summer veg part next week and hoe the ground to disturb the smails and their eggs. In fact that might become my vindictive behaviour pattern throughout the wimter, when upset by anything, go and reveal some more snails' eggs for the robins! Perhaps even a sign saying "Get your eggs here - free!"
Meanwhile, back on the steps there are another 8 bags of donkey dung.......


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