Sunday, December 14, 2003

The smell was right....
just as we walked up toward sthe Town Hall in Birmingham, the smell of roasting nuts in a spicy mix was so German it was unbelievable! Livvy invited me to go to the Frankfurt Christmas Market in Birmingham with her and her friend Catherine. It was lovely!! Mulled wine of various types - from South Africa I later found on the bottle that I bought, very funny little boots to drink it out of - so I had my attack of bad taste and bought one!! There were those lovely herbal sweets and the fruity ones - black and red used to be my favourites, the huge lollipops, little houses that you put candles into and of course lots and lots of chocolate and stollen cake. Did I succumb? Too true I did, it brought back so many happy memories of school trips to Germany and the fairs, holidays in Germany since then and also in Luxembourg where we took Livvy and Ru when they were little. The toys were the same - push up the base and the creature bends its knees, puppets that you can cut out and lots of proper tin toys for adults! The country was slightly different but the customs the same, and that walk of smells - the frankfurters, chips, pancakes, chocolate, herby sweets and the mulled wine. Ooooh, if only I could post a smelly site for you!


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