Saturday, March 20, 2004

A hairy journey!
And not just because I was going for a haircut! I drove through sandstorms, trees lashing the air and breaking off in mid action, finding lumps of sandstone in the road and avoiding signs that were freewheeling along in their own inimitable way. The main road was also blocked and I have yet to find out why - it remained so for hours so I hope no-one was hurt by any falling trees or masonry.
As a teacher I read about soil erosion, but today I drove through it and found it a fairly frightening experience. The fine topsoil now lies in the road guttering in shallow drifts which is not something often seen in this part of the world. Reminded me somewhat of Oman and the odd windy storm there.
Well my camera has finally died so I must do something about replacing it as I like to be able to click at things and have lots of records - it is lovely to be able to see them on the screen too, I like not having to stick them into albums, one job less when I get back from hols etc.
Tonight I am going to a quiz in the small village where I work; before I go I must decide whether I am going to do my usual thing which is answer one question and laugh all the way through, or should I behave properly? The children's parents will be there so I am not sure what to do. I can't imagine that I will be able to take it seriously for too long though, so perhaps some underhand mischief might be the best policy! The woman who asked me to join her team is decidedly humourous (that spelling looks odd...)so I think I might just chance it!


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