Well, I wonder what it was that suddenly unblocked this site? I have this funny feeling that computers have their moods - why else would a machine suddenly allow access to a site that it had blocked for a fortnight? Are they really boxes full of little gremlins that take the huff?!!!
Whatever it was, I can now access my own blog as well as that of others, so I feel as if I belong in my own blog again! So here's a simple question -Has anyone else been taken in by the packs of small avocado pears? I find them such a wonderful buy, but then eat a whole one each time! Where has moderation gone? They used to be a treat, but now they are something that we regard as 'ordinary'. I actually remember the first ones that we ate in this country, my uncle sent them down to us from London and the small piece that we each had was such a treat! I wonder what today's children will remember as a treat? Will they remember these things? Do they even remember the little things like the small toys in their Christmas stockings?
Which reminds me - even though my children are grown up, I still enjoy making the stockings up, and have started collecting small things for them, Then there is the cake to make and the puddings to boil. It's almost time to mention the 'C' word!
Whatever it was, I can now access my own blog as well as that of others, so I feel as if I belong in my own blog again! So here's a simple question -Has anyone else been taken in by the packs of small avocado pears? I find them such a wonderful buy, but then eat a whole one each time! Where has moderation gone? They used to be a treat, but now they are something that we regard as 'ordinary'. I actually remember the first ones that we ate in this country, my uncle sent them down to us from London and the small piece that we each had was such a treat! I wonder what today's children will remember as a treat? Will they remember these things? Do they even remember the little things like the small toys in their Christmas stockings?
Which reminds me - even though my children are grown up, I still enjoy making the stockings up, and have started collecting small things for them, Then there is the cake to make and the puddings to boil. It's almost time to mention the 'C' word!
Oh my! I'm afraid that I just mentioned the "C" word in my post only a few moments ago!
Well, you will amused to learn that I planned and almost wrote the Christmas play for my class whilst in the airport at Muscat on the way home from India. My friend thought I was totally mad!!
Some of my boys' most played toys are cheapy party bag toys or stocking fillers... Also the "cheap" under £1 toys that I pick up on a whim through Tesco - a few hundred small cars and plastic TV figures (my youngest is a Fimbles addict). The big toys are incidental 99% of the time, honest!
Boxes are best - by the way Sis, can I put in an order for one of your cakes?
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