Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Ultimate in Ease?

The word wireless is an interesting one isn't it? Essentialy it means a radio to me and as I find it easy to say the wrong words, then setting up a wireless connection for my computer was quite a confusing situation fo ranyone who helped me. They didn't know that a radio connection actually was a wireless conection, but hey - why make life easy?
Three days later I have teased connections into and out of the main pc and now the laptop has received e-mails and logs onto the internet, wonderful! I can now watch television, send e-mails and even play laptop snooker at the same time -
if I wish!!! Is this taking multi-tasking to new heights, or is it a sign that I am now unable to do one thing at a time? So, Tami, yes I will get on with the photos again, the holiday still creeps into my mind for various reasons on a daily basis. Not least of all in the morning while I still take my malaria pills.


Blogger H said...

Can you take them without water yet?

11:14 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

You must be joking, I have to take them in disguise, usually wrapped in some strongly tasting food. At least I don't yet have to stroke my neck to push them down the gullet as you do with a dog or a cat!!

8:09 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Do dogs and cats take anti-malaria pills?

8:10 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

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8:10 PM  

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