Saturday, October 18, 2003

Its the week-end, we have no unwanted visitors from her majesty so I can relax, even to the extent of going out to buy such things as face cream, and dawdling in the shops. Oh wonderful. The face cream extended to a pair of shoes, several cds and other such normal things which take that element of dawdling to make a good selection. Its no good rushing these things, wandering around, window shopping and seeing what's there is so important. Oh, and the new cafetiere, a few stocking fillers - (christmas that is!!) so I have started the organisation for the festive season. (The christmas cakes are so full of brandy they positively reek of alcohol when I open them to geive them their monthly soak. Christmas tea should be interesting!)
Home to sort out my little house which has been sadly neglected over the last six weeks. Spiders rule around here and they had the timerity to try it inside the house as well as on the windows outside, hah! No matter how long your legs are, even if you have more than two of them, the hoover will eventually suck you up its pipe, no amount of curling the toe tips around the edge will prevent it... Tonight I am treating myself to some red wine, the first programme of two in the Prof Sam Ryan series - Prime Suspect, and with any luck I won't notice if I do some ironing as well.
Tomorrow I am on a rug hunt with my mother. I will forgo the lovely tiger one that I know they sell at the gallery we will visit, I think I need something slightly more muted. We shall see! I will keep you posted about it.
(At this point I am asking myself if anybody actually wants to know about my need to shop - probably not, but tough luck! I am feeling selfish.)
I think my camera has gone on the blink which is all very sad, I shall have to send it back to Nikon and see what they say about it. I will try to take some pickies tomorrow as the countryside is looking very lovely at the moment, it still works if I remember not to zoom the lens.


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