Friday, June 04, 2004

Oh dear, - and I thought I was getting my act together.
I was looking forward to visiting Chatsworth today with a very good cricketing friend. Lunch, house, grounds and the cricket pitch. Well, all I can say is that my brain is not yet sorted out after the last six months. (I can just hear my mother muttering, "Don't you blame me!!")
At about half past one John rang me to ask where I was. .... Yes, I was working at home, sorting everything out so the day could be guilt free _ no feelings of "I haven't done this or that etc." How many times can I get things wrong?
Well, I shot off to Derbyshire, had two near misses, but got there in the end. He was understandably rather miffed, but we had a lovely shortened trip around the gardens and sorted out my sillinesses. He was the one friend who contacted me weekly when I went through the pain of separation from my family, he has also been extremely thoughtful over my mother's death. Sod's Law dictates that I upset my friends most.
I am apologising into the ether here and hope that somehow this works. And that is pretty stupid too, so I'll put the spade away and stop digging!
I'll post the pickies later.


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