Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Des Res
Where would you want to build  a new des res? Close to water, food and work? Not too close to water so that the flooding problem doesn't affect you? In the country? Good view? Nice neighbours?

HAH!  Nice neighbours  - my foot! I'll show them 'NICE'!!!!
Oooh, I can almost hear you  wincing, but these are the nasty little wasps that plague me each year.  My garden played host to five nests last year, so far I have found two. One under the lead  at the top of the wall of my conservatory, I couldn't see them but I could hear them whenever I sat in there. So I have had to troll round to my human neighbours with spray and steps in hand and commit murder at a (well not very great ) height. They have a little daughter and it would not be fair to ignore that nest - she might have been stung and they might have chewed through the plaster into my house. So, off with their heads!!

Nest two was even better.  Under the redcurrant bush, at the base of the wall, near the pond. Good eh? Well, tonight they will not think so, I shall creep up at the first sign of darkness and commit murder again. Why? They didn't like me digging my veg patch, so tough, I am feeling very bolshy!!


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