Sunday, August 01, 2004

I must do this more often!
What is this weird mentality of mine that says when I am going away I suddenly have to clean my house? When I am here, I have no such worries, but I am off to other climes so I have cleaned out both fridges, done ALL the washing and ironing, hoovered and cleared tables, work tops and desks that have not seen the light of day - since the last time I went away!!!
I haven't packed though, the crdit card is still missing so I am waiting for my daughter to either find it in an obvious place or I shall ask 'them' to kill it.
So, I shall be blogging less often, but I may well manage it from various different places. The camera is going and I hope to be able to save the pickies and have lots to come home with.
Have fun folks, Just wish me luck as we fly over that Grand Canyon. It has taken me ages to memorise the name, people look at me very odly when I call it the hole in the ground - well, I shall be able to see if it is or not soon!! (I don't like heights or helicopters.....)mmmm.


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