Thursday, July 19, 2007

Over crowded and there is an horrendous night to come.

Today's update on the 'lodgers'. A quick peep into the little ledge at the end of the house, showed that one little fledgling had moved out of the nest, behind the lantern and was perched on the ledge, what's more he showed clear signs of stretching his wings! By the end of the day, all four little birds were there, obviously enjoying the ability to move, as I suppose a nest must be quite cramping. Every time you move a wing feather or a beak sticks in you ... can't be all that good for brother/sister relations!

At one stage, I thought all was clear to go down to the car, and it was as far as the flycatchers were concerned, but blow mw down if there wasn't a young blackbird sitting dumbly on the roof of the garage. He seemed not to know how he had arrived there or what he was doing - life must be terrific if you are a bird - never mind the walking, how about the flying? This is why I love the book about the baby owl - Plop, who was afraid of the dark.

The forecast for tonight is for torrential rain - I just hope it does not blow in onto their little ledge. Keep your fingers crossed for them, its going to be a rough night.


Blogger Tami said...

About a week ago we had a bad storm and the next day I spotted three nests on the ground in various spots. One still contained an unbroken blue egg. Sad!

5:46 AM  

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