Monday, November 20, 2006

The list, the list!!

I am a person who will make a sudden decision to do something, without thinking about the underlying repercussions.

A few weeks ago I decided to throw a retirement party, planned the food and wine etc, but forgot to factor in the amount of time it would take me to sort out my house so that people could wander around without having to step over the piles of books etc. Well, I now have a house that is sorted, really sorted!! And I am exhausted.

We partied on Saturday night into the late hours and I think everyone had a good time. The food preparation started several days before with the goulash. Have you used smoked paprika? Wow, it just makes this dish worth cooking, it is a fabulous spice - there is a hot version and a sweet type. That went down very well with all the carnivores, needless to say the veggies had a different menu - worked at on the phone with my daughter.

I like giving parties, I think the 'sorting out' side effect is very beneficial so I might do this more often!! The other reason for celebrating were the arrival of my tickets for the journey to Africa. Only 16 days before I leave now, and there is such a lot to do. Guttering to be cleared, freezers defrosted and emptied, etc etc - I think a little panic might be on its way!! So far, it fills a sheet of A4 paper, that is a lot of little jobs to tick off. Still, at least I can walk across the floor of each room to do this!

This is a rather disjointed entry, but that is exactly how I am feeling at the moment - bear with me.


Blogger Tami said...

A party sounds like fun! What kinds of food do you fix when you're having a party?

2:31 AM  
Blogger H said...

Tami - we had Goulash (spicy stew) Chicken lemony parcels, rice, a veggie pizza? thing and some strange puddings. My big sis does not do anything by the book, so this is probably not normal party food, although it has to be said that it was all delicious. Especially the goulash which we started cooking on the Friday. But maybe I'm just biassed!

11:07 PM  
Blogger H said...

And what were the puddings again?

11:08 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

The puddings were: prunes soaked in brandy then stuffed with choc in an almond paste tart, the most fattening Nigella Lawson pud and pumpkin pie.
Harriet is trying to hint that her husband made the goulash - and he did, then Ed and Elspeth flavoured it. Me? I just delegated!!!

12:04 AM  
Blogger H said...

You're good at that!!!

10:30 AM  

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