Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Summer is a'cummin in..

louda sing cuckoo. And he really was singing away this morning, what a lovely sound and an immediate hint of summer coming. Strangely enough Clare and I sang that round again when we met up in Melbourne, the time before was xxx years ago in Dartington!! Good times.

This last week-end was also a wonderful one for sightings, I went camping with friends in Staffordshire and we saw peregrine falcons nesting in the cliffs above a beautiful valley. What incredible birds they are, the pair were not put off by walkers or climbers, so I hope they are successful in their nesting. The next day we saw hundreds of orchids and cowslips on the sides of a valley leading down to our tea spot - and shelter from the rain, as it was pouring down by then. There were also hedges of currant and gooseberry bushes, it would be worth going back at harvesting time!!

I have not only been camping but also exploring the nether regions of my garage again! This time I have a clearer idea of what needs doing, so two sets of shelves have been up - one to hold the stuff from the attic, and the other set went up this morning, they are going to hold all the jam I make. For a person living on my own I make far too much jam and chutney, so if I can see it easily, then it will be easier to give jars away. At the moment that involves a certain amount of mountaineering and tunneling - don't ask!! After tonight, jam will be stored on one side and the tools and garden equipment on the other.



Blogger Tami said...

How wonderful that you make your own jam! The chutney sounds very good - I looked it up! What do you use it with?

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just finished the jar of Damson Cheese - can I have another please? (That's one for you to look up Tami :-))

11:06 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

Liz: I have tried and tried to send you emails and they always bounce back. Do you have a new email address? Is anyone else having this problem with your email address?

3:19 PM  

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