Wednesday, July 16, 2003

The boxes, the boxes....
Those four boxes have caused agony, amusement, tears and also a feeling of having been an extremely privileged person. Part of the work that I did for the Cricket Coaching Association was to be editor of their national publications. I did this for ten years or so and as a result met up with some wonderful people. One dear friend - The Flying Pig of Derbyshire has been a tremendous help on the coaching front as well as a true friend, he's always been there if I needed help and always seemed to know what to say. He has a way with words and describes cricketers as true sportsmen or the 'Nearly Men' who can be graded on the Pratt factor of 1 -10. Mischievous but so true, and I have frequently rung him and described something I recently did and we would both grade the action on the Pratt factor, so it wasn't always unkindly meant. The true sportsmen are lovely people and although I have never played the game, it s been my privilege to work with the only England Squad to have won the World Cup and then have their coach voted Coach of the Year. A truly inspirational coach, with vision and determination to get the best for the squad. We paid to coach that squad, it was in the days of no sponsorship for players.
Then there were the heart throbs, Mickey Stewart - a lovely man who I really had to chase around the country to get any written article out of him. There were times when I presented him with roses to shame him... good fun!
Some of the National Coaches - I won't name individuals but we have worked a lot together and laughed a great deal. Other coaches who make you want to go out and do what they suggest - NOW! John Barclay, John Abrahams who also never forgot a name, Gordon Lord who was incredibly kind to me when running a refresher course and has continued ever since. Men who are not famous but love the game and work many many hours for sake of continuing the tradition, 'Our Col' a true Yorkshire man who took my teasing so well and always brought me chocolates. He knows teheway to a woman's heart!
Many more people that I can't go on to mention have given me a love of the game, so thanks folks, I count myself truly privileged!


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