Thursday, July 17, 2003

Another Memory, another holiday, another hot day..
The ideal picnic place is in a wadi in Oman, we found it after driving up past a village with children and sheep trying to look brave as they jumped over the stream. Further up, past large boulders and indeed over fairly large ones - this was my introduction to real 4x4 driving, we drove slowly on into the gorge where the sides became steeper and higher, the temperature hotter and the silence so strong it was like a feeling of deprivation. There were no animals, birds or even insect sounds. My brother and I decided we needed to find somewhere to picnic, we were describing what we needed - a rock, a tree to shelter us and somewhere peaceful. The latter was easy, children and sheep were long left behind, but the gorge was bare of trees and any shelter. We gave ourselves two more minutes driving before we would turn around - and there it was around the next corner - a huge rock, we are talking the size of a normal bedroom here, with a tree growing beside it. A tree that gave complete shade to the rock and space for parking beside it.
How often does that kind of thing happen in life, it was wonderful! So of course we picnicked! Sorry there is no photo - I have no scanner, but I shall carry the small version of it in my wallet as a daily reminder that sometime the impossible does happen.


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