Thursday, January 22, 2004

I want my old one back..
I am going shopping in New York at half term, so thought I ought to check the essentials. Passport? Yes, but it runs out in June, which set me pondering whether or not you have to have 6 months left on your passport to enter the States. Life has been so hectic at school that I have almost been joining the line of kids asking me for permission to go to the loo in the lesson time - so phoning anyone for advice on that then!!
I used the post office's checking system for the passport form and my new passport has been returned in one week. Great! I can now go on holiday, but I want my old one back again. It had the stamps for all my interesting hols, the one that showed that I crossed Vic Falls holds especially dear memories. It's the only time that I have held up a train for over an hour - refusing to pay for an extra visa. They were not happy with me, but my visa was a multi entry one so I knew I did not need another one and I was not going to pay another $30 to get back into the country. The battle was won and it was one that I was stupidly pleased to have succeeded in. But now there is no sign of this in my passport... I think I shall have to go travelling again and have some more little arguments on a border or two.


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