Monday, July 25, 2005


That nine o'clock hour is past and I now really feel on holiday - silly isn't it!!? However, the lists shave been started - all the things for India, which now include vitamin B to act as an extra mosquito repellant, with a small jar of marmite to back this up. Yes, it sounds odd, but another woman who was also sceptical did it and was only bitten once, so I am all for it. Those little blighters love my flesh!
Then there are the domestic things, the hoover has had some exercize today, it was feeling very neglected, but hey life is tough at times! The fridge has been degummed, the lost shelf replaced - my sister will be pleased to hear! (More small tins of tonic put at the back to aid the clearing process.)
And I have written 2300 words of the literature review - only another 4000 or so to go, in the next 10 days.... can I panic now please?


Blogger Tami said...

Getting ready for a trip is exciting and I can hear that excitement in your writing :)

2:30 PM  
Blogger H said...

Thank you - that shelf is important. the tonic has got to sit high!
Oh, and I will lend you my Aspivenim (?) kit to suck out any bites you get!

3:47 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

That kit sounds revolting!!!What do I have to do with it? Don't forget you have got the pocket kite which is going to start its life with me flying high in India!! Must hold on tight... and yes, I am soooo excited!

7:52 PM  

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