Sunday, June 26, 2005

This year I declare it to be a draw.

Normally I am thrilled by the wildlife in my garden, even when my resident toad decides to lope past the front door whilst we are sitting outside eating our lunch. I was not even too upset when a mouse started to share the bird food, BUT, and its big one, I was very cross last year when the blackbirds ate all my redcurrents. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM - its was not funny.
This year I have picked a colander full and there are still many left to ripen on the bush, so I reckon we're quits. I keep intending to net them, in fact I did one year and it just served as rather a lovely safe haven for them to eat the fruit, after all the cats could not touch them!!


Blogger Tami said...

You just got very fortunate this summer. I bet they lost directions to your house, but are on the lookout!

3:25 PM  

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