Day two...
Well thank you H and Tami for those comments - I feel I need a label to hang on my back - 'Does my bum look big on this bike?' Perhaps that should have been one of the criteria when I was buying it, but somehow I don't think the lovely salesman's sense of humour would have stretched that far! His assistant assured me I could use this bike for racing; yes, you read that correctly, he said racing. I just told him that would not happen, quite politely mind you! (I did however, use the word silly.)
Well, I have just taken the bike ( I think he needs a name, shall we have a competition? A kind competition please, to name my bike.) out for another ride. This time I managed a circular route of about just over 3 miles, with much huffing and puffing. I have reached that stage where I am glowing healthily so now I am going to move some more donkey dung before I reward myself with some lovely smelly shower stuff and a hair wash.
Too much detail? well, the alternative was a glass of wine, so I feel that if I write down the healthy option, then I am more likely to do that rather than sink into a large glass of red. I really do have the breaking power of a kitkat!
Well, I have just taken the bike ( I think he needs a name, shall we have a competition? A kind competition please, to name my bike.) out for another ride. This time I managed a circular route of about just over 3 miles, with much huffing and puffing. I have reached that stage where I am glowing healthily so now I am going to move some more donkey dung before I reward myself with some lovely smelly shower stuff and a hair wash.
Too much detail? well, the alternative was a glass of wine, so I feel that if I write down the healthy option, then I am more likely to do that rather than sink into a large glass of red. I really do have the breaking power of a kitkat!
What color is the bike? Do you want to ride on a male bike or a female bike?
This info will help with names :)
Aha! Details - silver in colour and I think a man!!! LOL (Then I can swear at him when I can't get up the hills, or when I have a pucture!!)
Well, I know your bum isn't as big as mine - but there you go!
I think Bertie the bike is a good name, and you can use your best frown when swearing at him!
Missed my ride yesteday - ho hum ....
Tami will probably come up with one of those wonderful names that you only hear in the US which will be just the ticket!
But, heh, spring's here!
Seeing as he's silver, why not call him Flash?
?The saviour of the Universe? :>)
Tami - have you any idea how big her head would get?
I cannot enlarge my front door by Friday(!!!) Sorry .....
(With apologies to you Tami)
Tami, yet again you are wonderful! Flash it is!! Course I can save the universe!! Listen here little sister, I shall sort you out tomorrow night....!
I do love a good cat fight! Meow!
Thank you Tami, I've just read this and realised I have very little time to put a bigger door in - just thought though, will let her in through the patio doors - at least they slide to 6' wide:>]
Hah! So you don't want the chocolates I have bought you for Easter then?
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