Monday, October 23, 2006


I went to stay with my son for a night this week-end. It is so lovely to be entertained and fed by your grown up 'progeny'. (Is there any other name for grown up children?) We talked late into the night and decided to walk over to the next village to buy a paper for a leisurely Sunday morning stroll.

On the way we house hunted for suitable 'pie in the sky' properties - those that are very spacious, attractive, far too expensive and have large enough gardens. There were lots! What's more, many of them had planted crab apple and mountain ash trees at the edge of their gardens.

Then we found a treasure - sweet almonds! There were lots of them on the pavement. If I had been a well behaved mother I would have left them there, but.. of course I couldn't. We picked up a substantial number and left some for others or their owners. I have never picked almonds before, so that was a first for me. The icing on the cake came when Rupert found he had no nut cracker, so I had to take them home with me.

Do you remember how hard it used to be to crack almonds that had not been through a roller mill to soften the shells? I had forgotten the frustration of childhood Christmases when the almons were all left until last and an adult had to crack them for us. The inherited nut cracker did its best and cracked them open, would they be sweet almonds or the bitter ones?

They were absolutely delicious! I think, that I might plant a couple on the garden!!


Blogger Tami said...

Poor you – having to take all those almonds home ;)

When I was growing up, we always had a plate of assorted nuts that you had to use a nutcracker on to open them. I don’t think mom does that anymore. I don’t know where that tradition started …. and why only at Christmas; maybe because nuts are expensive.

2:35 PM  

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