Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Friday's friend...

was full of apples - well not quite, but I suspect you would understand that she gave me a bag of glorious John Downey crab apples. They are such a lovely autumnal colour and the smell of crab apple jelly was a reminder of years past when I did a lot of jam making. That was Monday sorted out - after my return from a walking week-end.

Until about mid afternoon when I was invited over to another friend to pick her mom's plums. This time I made jam.
Today I received a bag of damsons - they are now boiled sieved and turned into damson cheese. And this afternoon a neighbour turned up with the first puffballs of this season.

I thought this retirement was going to be a doddle - all play and no work. How wrong was I!!


Blogger H said...

And how many cooking apples do you want?

10:43 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Well, we will see what you have to offer!! I have been offered more apples and pears for wine making, so perhaps I had better get some more demijohns.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

I had no idea what a Damson was, so I had to look it up. They say it is a variety of plum. Now, I cannot see that being an ingredient in cheese. You can see, I don't get out much!

1:03 PM  
Blogger H said...

Tami, I think it might be a very old kind of preserve, I also make quince paste which is like this. We eat it with savoury food like cheese and ham, but also spread it like ordinary jam. It is made with slightly less sugar. (This is written on Harriet's computer, but it's Lis writing!!)

8:32 AM  

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