Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tadpoles, bullfrogs etc

At last, I have found the tent I want and tried it out! I can get into it, there is an excellent through draft and it is very waterproof so, I have a tadpole tent.

Why? Well, I am going on a trip with some friends to Africa in the dark months of the winter. They are taking a year out but I am joining them for a part of their African tour and we will be camping for most of the time. I shall have to carry my tent, sleeping bag etc so everything has to be light in weight. Buying it has been slightly testing, because everyone else has said the season for buying tents is over. I didn't want to buy one without trying it out so online buying was a no goer. Its funny how global we are in some ways, yet still stick to the seasons in our home country although travel does not fit in with this.

But Shrewsbury did me proud, the men put the tent up in the shop, I crawled in and sat up in it(I could, so that was the main worry ssorted) and there is a lot of room in there, so I bought it. I already have a collapsible washing bowl, solid shampoo, and other such necessaries for the trip, so now I have to play at packing the rucksack!

My luxury is going to be a wine glass - plastic of course, but I think there are certain standards you have to keep to in life!!

I wonder what other luxuries I could take? I shall ponder on that one.


Blogger H said...

A jar of Marmite ........... that's what I took!

12:27 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

I'm taking Marmite instead of hte yeast pills - the mozzies don't like it apparently and I prefer that to swallowing 6 yeast pills on a daily basis. Just sorting out a pack of small playing cards and learning some new patience games too.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

I don't know about the rest of Africa, but I have always wanted to visit Egypt. I have never been camping and never slept in a tent. I think I would take a nice, comfy pillow - one small enough to fit in my pack.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting!

My top camping tip. Superdrug sell little bottles of Antibacterial Gel (alcohol-based gel, I think) so you can "wash" your hands without soap or water. Always invaluable on a camping trip, ime so take several little bottles.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

I am off to Telford so I think Superdrug can go on the list - and the pillow is sitting htere, waiting to see if it will fit in with all the other essentials.

9:08 AM  

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