Thursday, December 23, 2004

Tempting Providence?

The shock of delivering the local cards a day early is hitting home. The shopping is done, the decorations up,so now I must ice the cake - a day early too! I haven't managed the mince pies yet so that is part of the cooking plan for today. The carols are blasting out on the cd player so I am feeling in the spirit - so to speak. It is time for the 'blow it' factor to hit in, if i don't have it now, it doesn't matter.

May I wish anyone who happens upon this page, a very happy christmas, wherever you are?

Happy Christmas!


Blogger Tami said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for mentioning your CD player! I left the stereo on and I need to turn it off. I hate leaving things like that on overnight. I am always afraid that they will overheat!

Merry Christmas to you too :)

4:30 AM  

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