Sunday, January 09, 2005


My son sometimes reads this blog and asks me the basic question - why do I do it? I don't say anything very exciting, I am not out to attract a large reading audience - so? It's a good question! I started it after some considerable nagging from my very good friend DLG who lives in foreign climes. This is an excellent way for us both to catch up on what we are doing in life. reading between the lines we can usually judge our moods. then there is Messenger to tap out our messages to each other - with answers.
So, I suppose my answer to my son is, it keeps me in touch with my friends, makes some new ones (and it is at this point that he thinks I have gonearound the bend. Young people can be so middle aged!), and also I can find out about other people in that 'lurking' way that the ether enables. All told, I find that my life has been incredibly lucky.
Then the awful comment from DLG today on Messenger- we think we have at last grown up.



Blogger Tami said...

I bet if your son found some blogs that he liked, he would be hooked and maybe even want to start his own :)

1:01 PM  
Blogger Lynne said...

Read Tami's page where she talks about friends. We tell each other EVERYTHING even though we are 3000 miles away. 'Lizbeth you are my bestest in all the World friend and we eat toast in bed together (with a cushion down the middle...)

4:41 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Oh yes - and pick each other up when the gin flowed too freely, share everything - except the last black olive of course, and cry on each others shoulders! Yeah, that's friendship! But I still don't share the packing tissue.....

5:33 PM  

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