Friday, April 08, 2005

Political - moi?

This week there was an article on the radio about tactical voting in elections, I have always voted but refused to tell anyone who gets my vote. Suffice to say that our present Prime Minister did not receive any help from me at either of the last two elections.

My problem is - what to vote this time? So I am looking at the sites recommended by the BBC and I think I shall keep an eye on things nearer the date, so that I can feel that at least I have managed to keep him out this time - PLEEEEESE. I do not want to support a man who takes the country to war on the basis of keeping in with his buddy, and who does not use the democratic system that we have. If I want to live in a country with a president, I will move there!

My goodness, I feel very strongly about all of this - is this what impending middle-age is about? (Well, I fib a bit with the impending, but I haven't really grown up yet....)


Blogger Tami said...

I think it's great that you have a definite opinion and are sticking to it. Too many people are indecisive, don't know the issues, or don't vote at all.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Pewari Naan said...

I'm at a loss as to who to vote for this time around. However, I shall be tactically voting - to get our current MP who doesn't give a shit when you write to him OUT and give another person a chance at the job. So I'm voting for the next likely candidate.

Philosophically, I reckon the best government is one that hasn't been in more than 2 terms and doesn't have too large a majority (so all the worst of the stupid laws can't be railroaded through) - stops the worst excesses of political arrogance, imo. Which party that is appears to be immaterial these days.

10:02 AM  

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