Wednesday, June 01, 2005

How did I do?

All done !! Every single job on the list is ticked off. Which means that I have to spring clean the bathroom and my bedroom before Wednesday when the person is coming to look at my ideas for the bathroom - and what's more it is someone I know - arghh, so the mop and bucket have be resurrected! (OK, don't panic, that's for the bathroom floor - NOT my bedroom!!)

I have put up the wooden supports for the new computer worktop, now if they would only deliver the stuff that could also be ticked off. I keep reading that a tidy home engenders a sense of calm and ordered living and working, it would be so good to get to that state of mind. Perhaps the impossible is not something I am ever going to achieve! But hey, I keep trying.

And its raining here, so no gardening today. As for the ironing, it was a mountain of the stuff and I hate doing it.


Blogger H said...

Two comments!

Firstly that ironing needs doing on a regular basis (first comment from my original Karen "Oh you have got yourself in a muddle, haven't you?").

Secondly "A tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind"
Quote: My Husband!

I guess these things must get easier....... but when?

11:23 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Ah yes, and tidy people don't make those wonderful discoveries that I have - ten pound notes folded up in a coat pocket, so useful when I 've forgotten to go to the bank!

12:01 AM  
Blogger Tami said...

At least the house keeps you busy so that you never become bored ;)

4:21 PM  

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