It is pouring with rain here but not as heavily as in Delhi where they are being deluged with rain. (Sorry, couldn't resist that.) Do you think I should pack my wellies and mac?
I have been denying that I am a plastic bag lady anymore. Look at the counter and be horrified! It is from http://www.reusablebags.com/action.php
Take the wellies!!! Finding a toilet will be impossible!!!!
Hah! So you think I should use them as a loo? Hmmm, I had thought of wearing them - how dull! But that leads me onto the lovely beaded slippers they make out there, I think I shall treat myslef to a pair of those in Jaipur.
Wellies and an Umbrella - a nice big one you can squat under!
So I appear to be going on a wet walking holiday, wearing a skirt so that I can do the necessary a little easier than with trousers on, and at the same time wield a huge umbrella. I have a wonderful picture developing in my mind here!! Wonder if there are still places in a Butlins camp in Bognor?
I have just realised that I used an unfortunate placename there.... lol!!
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