Sunday, December 26, 2004

We have snow Houston!!!

Whilst talking to Livvy's partner Tim about White Christmases, he confessed he couldn't remember experiencing one. That really puts the whole idea into perspective. Those in their mid twenties have missed out on that added magic of the white and the cold to the sparkle of Christmas.
I think it was also the trip to the compulsory church service, usually on Christmas Eve and - for us at least, the contrast between crossing the farmyard to get to the milking shed. Not that I think we were vere any help, we just wanted to encourage dad to milk the cows quicker! We opened our presents after dad had finished the morning milk and eaten his customary cooked breakfast. Dad would eat his meal and make conversation - teasing us all the time.
Yt was often after 10 o'clock before we were allowed into the sitting room to attack our pile of presents! The wait was tantalising but all part of the fun. Our presents were often board games which involved us all in activities on the day. I think they are right when people say that the game boys almost enforce solitary behaviour, there is nothing like a good game to make people comunicate and enjoy interacting with others.
So, this afternoon I am going to try to get a game of scrabble with Tim, he is very good at it - so he says. The added complication? He is the dyslexic member of the family, now I wonder how that will affect the game!!!
I hope you all enjoyed your day and the rest of the Festive Season!


Blogger Tami said...

And did you get the pies made?

2:57 AM  
Blogger Lynne said... you must catch up with all of the silly text messages your friend sent (HIC!) over the holiday season.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

That would be good - if I could find my mobile phone....

9:38 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

The mince pies were made and rapidly eaten, as was everything else! I should now be down at the gym working off the extra bulges that have appeared on both hips and my tum!!!

9:50 AM  

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