Monday, November 05, 2007

Remember, remember the fifth of November

Do you love fireworks? I do - the noisier the better! Rev Roy Lancaster has just been showing us all about the different types of gunpowder and how they make those screeching fireworks. How lovely to have had such a hobby throughout life and make something that lots of other people enjoy!

Guy Fawkes had enough gunpowder to blow up everything within a 2 1/2 mile radius of the houses of parliament. Slightly over doing it I think! Listening to Jeremy Paxman saying he would love to interview the young Princess Elizabeth was interesting. (The view was that she would have been one of the few royal survivors of the blast.) That would have been an fascinating programme! I suspect she would have ordered someone to chop off his head rather early in the show.

How is the work going? Well, I could do with a firework to speed up my results somewhat. Just one window frame cleaned up today, perhaps the room will be slightly lighter when it is all finished.


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