Wednesday, August 09, 2006


As Lynne has written, we met up again recently for the first time in years. My goodness, it has been a long time, but it felt like we had met as usual at the week-end for a meal and a drink.

It was very special for me that she and Phil were there to celebrate my last day of teaching. We had worked together for many years and had such a lot of fun. The champagne moment was a good celebration.

One of the things we always seemed to be doing, was making lists - our 10 points to survival. Well, we have started again and already the point about not drinking so much alcohol has been a complete failure... we are hopeless!!

However, I am using the list strategy to try to organise my days. I have a leisurely breakfast and make a list of things to do during the day. So far, things have been fairly successful - all three compost heaps have been turned out and spread over the garden, the bags of trimmings have all been emptied into the empty bins so all my sacks of rubbish have disappeared. Poor toad has been so confused, he hasn't known which heap to live in because I cannot communicate with him and tell him where I am going to be working next!! Can anyone speak toad? If so, please send me a translation for, "I am digging out the compost heaps this week!"

The slugs and snails have also had a battering - many of them have been tipped into a salt bath, others have been allowed a reprieve if they were willing to stay in the compost bin. The displays under the windows seem to be especially attractive to them, as I turf out at least five slugs or snails every day. I am on their case, there is no daily target number, but I need a satisfied feeling at the end of each day!

One point I transfer from Lynne's 10 point list to my daily list, is to treat myself to something special each day. It might well be some real coffee, time to read a book, or even some chocolate. Whatever it is, a daily treat is part of my life now. Thanks firend!


Blogger H said...

Mr Toad needs a home on your veggie patch - and watch your slugs be devoured!

11:53 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Yes, I think I need another compost bin to keep up there and then I will do a transfer job with him. Lots of bags of donkey dung have just arrived, so I am going to put them on top of the new heaps to see if it will speed up the rotting process.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Lynne said...

As long as you don't put them on the radiator in the kitchen!!!!!

3:55 PM  
Blogger H said...

You're not doing that again are you?

Do you think you ought to see someone??

12:05 AM  
Blogger Tami said...

It's so much fun to read your posts! I can't imagine having my very own toad. How wonderful!

1:37 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Tami, don''t listen to those two - I look after my toad very well! He is very important to me and my garden.

7:11 PM  

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