Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Never let it be said that I don't shoop (OOOOPS! another new word for the English language!) for others..... I saw these for you DLG - they would go well with a certain item?

And you could wear these at the same time?!!!

This was one I saw for my brother-in-law during a rather political carnival type procession..

and then I couldn't resist this!! This was hanging from a building in an area called Nobhill. (Naughty I know, but sometimes you have to do these things.)

(Well! That was so much easier this morning! I think I have learnt how to do this at last.)

Monday, August 23, 2004

through all those photos! Well, It must be San Francisco and the bridge! So a view of the city from the ferry and the bridge from the gardens at the base of it. We were extremely lucky to have a clear day on our walk over the bridge, we saw the top all day - on our ferry trip it appeared to have a woolly cap on!!
(My first attempt at this new system managed to put the bridge on its side and lose two of the pictures. I must one day learn to do this properly, instead of just shouting loudly at the machine and waiting for it to behave!)

The sun has got no hat on - hip, hip, hooray...

I could not resist these! I tried to ride on all variants of tram and trolley.. when will I grow up?!!

I love the different ways that we sign things.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

That was some holiday! I am home now and will post some pickies soon - the net has been difficult to get into but perhaps it has just forgotten that I exist...?
The weather seems to have been fairly awful here, the temperature in Arizona did not really fall below 100 degrees and I loved it! Perhaps the body changes its attitude towards heat, I know that I am far happier with those temperatures now - I used to prefer the cold.... silly person!
One little thing that surprised me about the States was the difficulty we had of finding places to get on to the net - they all assume that you bring your own computer: in Scottsdale, there was one terminal which stayed on line for two minutes then cut you off. Hah! They've never used Hotamil then?!!! Two minutes gives you just about time to open the bloomin thing, then to see it disappear into the ether was rather cross making. But I survived without. It did however bring home to me how much I use this 'thing' to communicate with people - interesting!
My next holiday in the States will see me camping in the Crand Canyon, that was an electrifying experience and one that haunts me at strange times in the day. What an incredible hole in the ground.

Monday, August 16, 2004

And the sun shone and shone on us!
Wow! The 'hole in the ground' was awesome! The next time I go to the Grand Canyon, I want to hike along the valley floor and camp down there. Arizona has been an incredible experience, such variety and wonderful, wonderful heat! I love it. We saw some beautiful areas, I visited the architectural school of Frank Lloyd Wright which was great. There is a gallery here designed by him too which is an incredible building. We are visiting another inthe next couple of days too. Pickies will come later.
Tomorrow we are off to Senoma - a wine growing town to the north of San Fransisco. More anon - I want to find out what you have all been doing!!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

And the sun shone down...
At last - where did it go?
Today was the day to go to MOMA and there were some fantastic pieces of artwork there. The Rothko is HUGE and incredibly in your face! Wonderful.
Off to the Nevada desert tomorrow.

Friday, August 06, 2004

OK How many of you have travelled in a lift that has two Chagall paintings hanging on the wall? I realised today that I was in a room of Picassos's with no-one standing over me, telling me not to get too close, there were no wires in front of the paintings and no glass on them. I also got to hang a painting on the wall with the gallery owner. This painting is worth 10 million pounds and is going to the Tate Modern... AAARGH!
All this after going to the hippy centre in San Fran - it was a let down sadly, but the art is such a rush to my system. I am going to go home flat broke but happy. More later.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Here we are!
Well San Fransisco is rather a long way away!! I shall not be flying Continental Airways again, but you live and learn don't you?
I shall do a quick daily diary thing whenever I go online - just to remind myself what I did on each day, then later on I will add pickies.
Yesterday - Tuesday, we went down to the harbour area on a cable car and then took a trip around the city. The driver just made the whole thing, he was great fun. So today we go around the Chinese and Italian areas, interspersed with some shopping...NNNNNooooo!
(Thank goodness I found the debit card.)

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I have packed...
washed, ironed etc, set Livvy the challenge to find my debit card - which she failed. So I sat down to sort out the make-up, saw the lid to Twiggy's bowl (don't ask!) and there it was!! Bliss! Wonderful, I can now go and spend some money if I want to! DLG you will laugh, it was on top of the basket you told me to search! LOL hysterically!!
So, byeee for the mo, I'm going to shower, drive off to Birmingham and then out for a drink to start off the holiday!
I must do this more often!
What is this weird mentality of mine that says when I am going away I suddenly have to clean my house? When I am here, I have no such worries, but I am off to other climes so I have cleaned out both fridges, done ALL the washing and ironing, hoovered and cleared tables, work tops and desks that have not seen the light of day - since the last time I went away!!!
I haven't packed though, the crdit card is still missing so I am waiting for my daughter to either find it in an obvious place or I shall ask 'them' to kill it.
So, I shall be blogging less often, but I may well manage it from various different places. The camera is going and I hope to be able to save the pickies and have lots to come home with.
Have fun folks, Just wish me luck as we fly over that Grand Canyon. It has taken me ages to memorise the name, people look at me very odly when I call it the hole in the ground - well, I shall be able to see if it is or not soon!! (I don't like heights or helicopters.....)mmmm.