Friday, December 31, 2004

Shopping anyone?

Ru and his partner Lindsey took me into Shrewsbury yesterday afternoon where we had a lovely time pootling around the shops. I took them to a very small gallery which deals with art deco items, only to find that it is changing over to pictures, and.... they had a lithograph by Sonia Delauney whose work I love. I was sorely tempted to get it, so went to check my bank account, then on my return found the blooming shop shut - at 4pm!!! Drat, drat and double drat!!!
However, I found a bowl I like for the bathroom and a friend is going to give me the number of a plumber, so I think I shall get on with that overdue plan.
The thing is, I need to get some ear plugs and a small radio to listen to while I pound the awful pedals in the gym, do I also go to Shrewsbury and buy that picture?

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

It worked...

The desktop impressed Ru when he called in today, so I must be achieving something here! Do you remember my saying I had mislaid my moblie phone? I am so unused to the ringing tone that when it DID ring I wondered what it was!!!! DOH.... However, I rang back and had a garbled call and then listened to the message.
Next little mantra - I will carry my phone, I will carry my phone, I will carry my phone, - I might even remember to charge it up sometimes too!!
New Year's Resolution?? No way, I am not going to be a let down after one or two days as has been the case in the past. I'll take everything as it comes this year, but have a good one all of you.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Just tell me to get on with it...

I have been to the gym and survived an hour of exercise, made coffee, eaten some of the Christmas cake and am now writing this -BUT, I should be sorting out all the papers I threw out of the tiny study last night, in an attempt to find the mobile phone that had gone AWOL and also to organise myself. I have the breaking power of a kitkat when it comes to tidying up. Please shout at me if I post again before the job is finished. My aim?? A clear desk top that I can use, not abuse by leaving papers all over it.

Monday, December 27, 2004

What to say?

Nothing in my life experiences can in anyway help me to understand the awful experiences people have been through in the last hours since the huge earthquake. Whatever one's religious following, surely now is the time to think of the poor people who survived and to help them in some way. If I thought that praying would be of some help - then I would; however, it reminds me of the interviewer on radio 4 who asked either the Archbshop of Canterbury, or the head of the Jewish church after 9-11. Where was God?

Today is for .....

Like Tami, I live in a tiny house, unlike her I don't have the tidy gene!. When someone comes to stay I have to sort out the spare bedroom - as you do, but this usually involves piling all sorts of stuff into my tiny study and bedroom. Today is for those piles, I am going to clear everything out of both rooms and then sort out and chuck out. If I don't post for some time, you will know that I am still lurking under some pile or other, deciding whether I should throw something away or not.

It should be so easy to keep organised, but I can trash a whole house in minutes, the normal catalyst is losing my keys. That means everything gets turned upside down. At this moment in time, I cannot find my camera or my mobile. I know I sent some text messges. but since then - ?Christmas Eve, it has done a runner.

My daughter took some photos of the cake - of the ferrero rochas inspiration this year, and even though it was made less than a week ago, it tasted good! There are also some pickies of the cut out bags that I used as lanterns to light my neighbours up the path when they came for drinks last night. I really enjoyed making them - as I do the Christmas decorations.

What? Oh yes - I'll go do the rooms!! Byeeee.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

We have snow Houston!!!

Whilst talking to Livvy's partner Tim about White Christmases, he confessed he couldn't remember experiencing one. That really puts the whole idea into perspective. Those in their mid twenties have missed out on that added magic of the white and the cold to the sparkle of Christmas.
I think it was also the trip to the compulsory church service, usually on Christmas Eve and - for us at least, the contrast between crossing the farmyard to get to the milking shed. Not that I think we were vere any help, we just wanted to encourage dad to milk the cows quicker! We opened our presents after dad had finished the morning milk and eaten his customary cooked breakfast. Dad would eat his meal and make conversation - teasing us all the time.
Yt was often after 10 o'clock before we were allowed into the sitting room to attack our pile of presents! The wait was tantalising but all part of the fun. Our presents were often board games which involved us all in activities on the day. I think they are right when people say that the game boys almost enforce solitary behaviour, there is nothing like a good game to make people comunicate and enjoy interacting with others.
So, this afternoon I am going to try to get a game of scrabble with Tim, he is very good at it - so he says. The added complication? He is the dyslexic member of the family, now I wonder how that will affect the game!!!
I hope you all enjoyed your day and the rest of the Festive Season!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Tempting Providence?

The shock of delivering the local cards a day early is hitting home. The shopping is done, the decorations up,so now I must ice the cake - a day early too! I haven't managed the mince pies yet so that is part of the cooking plan for today. The carols are blasting out on the cd player so I am feeling in the spirit - so to speak. It is time for the 'blow it' factor to hit in, if i don't have it now, it doesn't matter.

May I wish anyone who happens upon this page, a very happy christmas, wherever you are?

Happy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I must remember to buy some crackers.... I must remember to buy some crackers.... I must remember to buy some crackers.... I forgot them last year!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Harry Potter and trunks and Christmas and happy memories....

As a treat we watched the last Harry Potter film on the last morning of school - well I glanced at it whilst sorting out some files and papers. But oh, one part made me really watch - there is a scene where he has a trunk to take to school. I have an identical one which I used to transport on the train down to Devon each term full of my stuff for college. What a shock to see it on the screen!!! Does that mean my old junk - which was also my mother's trunk, is now a thing of street cred? wow!!! Mine was never filled with magical things, it was clothes and music and the metronome which I used to leave in all sorts of strange places and then had to beg family and friends to send it on to me. They are not easy to wrap and light to send, but it survivied. Which reminds me - I wonder where it is???
The said trunk is now used to hold all my Christmas decorations and is stationed at the far end of my attic, however, last Christmas I was obviously in the throes of a tidy phase. The decorations were nowhere to be found in that haven, I had bought two see-through plastic boxes to hold all the smaller ex-chocolate boxes which in turn hold all the decorations. Each year I save any pretty boxes for this purpose. The ones that came from the Thelens in Luxembourg are the best - stout cardboard and very pretty. The gold one being the topnotch box.(And the chocolates were orgasmic!) I have historic ones from John Lewis's and Harrods, and now I am adding the odd designer box that I manage to snaffle. So unwrapping the decorations is as much fun as putting them up, the memories come flooding back - the Christmas I spent with my aunt, where she showed me how to make some golden flowers - large and blowsy for effect. I have some of those baubles from that era! My children's hand made christmas trees and the fairy which was made by my daughter when she went to primary school. I have some red felt which I have just found and I am going to make some more boots to hang on the tree, ones that can be filled with little goodies. Some of the baubles were Christmas presents from past pupils - a lovely thought which reminds me of them and sets off other trains of thought. Where are they now? One is living nearby and sorting out her wedding plans for March - I intend to go and stand outside the hotel to see her go in in all her finery.
Is my tree decorated yet? You've guessed it, I am still just opening up all the old friends and enjoying the thoughts.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Tradition has its place.

I managed most of the list of things to do, partly aided by the radio and then the television. Around this time of year I watch Songs of Praise because I love the traditional carols, this year they excelled. The carols were superb abd I was singing along, in my mind I was back as a child at church in Gelligaer with Mum and my brother, we were taken every Sunday and had to learn to sit still during the sermons, the hymns were light relief - we could stand up and make a noise!! The carol service was also very traditional and musical. I love singing and this was a way of wholeheartedly joining in.
I no longer go to church services, but I suppose I am a Christian in outlook. The reading of the nativity in songs of Praise was incredible - David Suchet providing the magic. Wow!
Makes me feel guilty about setting the nativitiy in Stoke in modern days for our school production .... but perhaps that will be special for those children when they are older!!

Ooooh, Christmas is coming!

I am a total sucker for all the traditions at Christmas, my timing isn't all that good, but I think I can get brownie points for trying.
The tree has been bought today, the cake mixed and is now cooking in the oven, Last year I was 8 months ahead of myself, but at least this year it is made. The next job is to mix the puddings, get them steaming, cook the cranberries, make the brandy butter, some pastry for the mince pies and try an alternative veggie tart to the one my daughter usually has: no doubt I shall be in hot water for suggesting a change, but then, life is more fun when lived dangerously!!
Then this evening I shall erect the tree, disappear into the attic to find all the boxes of decorations then start to decorate the house. Over the top is always my theme, the beams are garlanded, the fireplace also, holly adorns most things and this year I am going to trim a few ivy bushes that I have been keeping my eye on throughout the year. I also garland all the doorways. No wonder my children are minimalists!! Do I care - nah! The carols will be blasting out on the cd player and I shall be a happy bunny.
In case I forget in the rush to achieve this utopia (for me) - Happy Crimble Everyone!! I will try not to fall asleep with my nose perched in the Christmas pud, but I will be honest and own up to all weaknesses! Enjoy your traditions and if you want to fall into the pud ina dozy moment, go ahead and join the club.
Aha - there's an idea....

Ooooh, Christmas is coming!

I am a total sucker for all the traditions at Christmas, my timing isn't all that good, but I think I can get brownie points for trying.
The tree has been bought today, the cake mixed and is now cooking in the oven, Last year I was 8 months ahead of myself, but at least this year it is made. The next job is to mix the puddings, get them steaming, cook the cranberries, make the brandy butter, some pastry for the mince pies and try an alternative veggie tart to the one my daughter usually has: no doubt I shall be in hot water for suggesting a change, but then, life is more fun when lived dangerously!!
Then this evening I shall erect the tree, disappear into the attic to find all the boxes of decorations then start to decorate the house. Over the top is always my theme, the beams are garlanded, the fireplace also, holly adorns most things and this year I am going to trim a few ivy bushes that I have been keeping my eye on throughout the year. I also garland all the doorways. No wonder my children are minimalists!! Do I care - nah! The carols will be blasting out on the cd player and I shall be a happy bunny.
In case I forget in the rush to achieve this utopia (for me) - Happy Crimble Everyone!! I will try not to fall asleep with my nose perched in the Christmas pud, but I will be honest and own up to all weaknesses! Enjoy your traditions and ifyo want to fall into the pud ina dozy moment, go ahead and join the club.
Aha - there's an idea....

Saturday, December 18, 2004


Here it is - that blissful first day of the holidays. I can do what I like... oh no, there's the shopping to do, the kitchen to clear and the piles on the stairs to clear, I have a friend coming to stay for the night.
However, I have to proclaim the success of my fridge organisation. The little cans of tonic water, which are stored at the back of each shelf, to prevent any food from hiding back there and going mouldy, work a treat! This last week I have been too busy and involved with school things to go shopping, but there has been a tonic water for a gin each night to pick me up after all the work!! Brilliant. I shall put a box of them on my list now, as well as the bottles of tonic of course!
Has anyone any other tricks like these that work in the rest of the house? I am so pathetic at the tidy issue. I also suspect that the school's demand that everything ishould be clear is going to backfire on me. I refuse to have such a clinical home, I love my memories surrounding me and also adding to them with each new adventure.
So, off to the shops....

Friday, December 17, 2004


The infant play had lots of the 'Aaaah' factor, the lower juniors dashed everywhere and my class were duly subversive, so the Christmas shows are done and dusted. We are all incredibly tired and pleased that the term is over, I love doing these things and tend to enter into them with lots of ideas and enjoyment - hence the cream crackered state.
Now change the aaaah to Oooooh, one of my pupils bought me a box of Toblerone single (I hadn't seen these before) - and they are yummy! Well worth the larger size of knickers, and the white topped ones - they are something else!! So, if you want to try something delicious, get these! In fact, I think I need to check if I tried all the five diffrent types, so I shall cut this short. More later!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Where is that tape?

Well, the desk top is fairly clear, the files have come to roost there instead of on the floor under it, the papers are cleared away from various areas that I work in, BUT.... could I find the tape we were using for our performance? Hah! No way, half an hour of searching found it lurking on a desk at the back of the room. Nothing on top of it - deliberately concealing it, it was just lurking. We (the kids and I) all thought it was very funny.
What about the week-end? Hmm, never before have I eaten a meal and then had absolutely no recollection of doing so. I am starting to lose my marbles I fear; we went off to some wine bars having ordered a Chinese take-away. I hadn't eaten anything for some time so I was quite hungry. Three glasses of wine later we were returning to Shirley's house when all memory ceased. I do not have any recollection of picking up the food, absolutely none of eating it, although I am told it was delicious, then I was in bed by 10 past 10. Flaked, absolutely flaked.
Until 4 a.m. when I panicked and thought I ought to go to pick up the meal..... silly person! I have previously fallen asleep in the Christmas pudding, but eating a whole meal in my sleep beats that hands down!
I shall drink water tonight at the staff Christmas dinner - better safe than sorry. Oooh, I must go and sew on some sequins to the jesters hat!

Friday, December 10, 2004


Am off to Leicester to celebrate my birthday with friends tonight, then shop tomorrow and start the first of the Christmas meals tomorrow night! It will be a very pleasant change from the week at school which has been fraught with innuendo.

We are faced with negotiables and non-negotiables, so my honesty has got me into hot water as usual. Pointing out that I am not a tidy person is an understatement, so now I have to be one. The display of words on the wall has to be done in a certain way.... ???( I have not seen the research which says this is guaranteed to teach children to spell, but there we are. )
The only way I can be tidy is to have nothing around me, so the plants have come home, the trays to hold papers etc, the waste paper bins and the spare pencils and pens. Quite quickly my classroom is developing that barren look. By Tuesday I want to have it all sorted, then perhaps the pressure will disappear. The funny part of this week's staff meeting came when we were watching a video about philosophy and children. In the classroom where the video was made, there were black plastic sacks around the room, piles of books and boxes and generally untidy bits everywhere. The children were learning though- they were even being held up as an example to all!!!

ps, mine can spell and define 'cynic'!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

It's that word again!!

Have you been watching the spelling competition on the Beeb? I have, and it has been extremely interesting.
The most amusing part happened at the end tonight - what was the word that sorted out the winner from the runner up? It was the same one that DLG asked how to spell when we worked together xxxx years ago! I came across her missive in some papers this week and of course, just roared with laughter when it came up tonight. This girl should have attended our Primary School - she would know how to spell daksund, dachsund, dachs.....? How the past enters one's life again.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Picture this...

It's eight o'clock on a frosty Friday morning, the forecast is for a foggy, cool and damp morning. My journey to school looms... but its Friday, so its alright.
I stepped out of the door to be greeted by that wonderful, soft pink sunrise with the light reflecting off the trees and grass in the garden. Oh so beautiful.
The fields were coloured in that dusty green and the tree skeletons dusted with hoar frost. It was so lovely I took my time driving along the lanes and enjoyed the hedges and woods. Then turning around the corner of the hamlet at the end of my road, I saw a rainbow. A full-blooded rainbow which travelled up the valley in front of me. It was entrancing and ooohs and aahs were issuing forth from my car for the whole journey. I have never seen a rainbow in frost before and this was wonderful. I arrived at school with one of those beatific smiles on my face, even though yesterday was possibly one of the most shocking professional experiences that I have had. The rainbow banished all those feelings.
My question is this - can you ever travel underneath the arch of a rainbow? Sadly, I did the correct thing and turned off to work, but I really wanted to drive on and find out, never mind the pot of gold under the end of the rainbow, the experience was pure gold.