You know things have got out of control when you are going on holiday and can't find your cash card.... so where have I put it?? Can anyone help pleeeeeese?
Saturday, July 31, 2004
You know things have got out of control when you are going on holiday and can't find your cash card.... so where have I put it?? Can anyone help pleeeeeese?
You know things have got out of control when you are going on holiday and can't find your cash card.... so where have I put it?? Can anyone help pleeeeeese?
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Who's the lucky girl then?
I was taken to the Test Match today - the first time I have been to one in all my cricketing 'time'. It was great, seeing all the present players from the Carribean and England of course! I had a wonderful time just sitting watching the game, enjoying the quality of play, some banter with the person I went with and wonderfully warm weather. I don't think I will leave it ten years before I go again!!
I was taken to the Test Match today - the first time I have been to one in all my cricketing 'time'. It was great, seeing all the present players from the Carribean and England of course! I had a wonderful time just sitting watching the game, enjoying the quality of play, some banter with the person I went with and wonderfully warm weather. I don't think I will leave it ten years before I go again!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Well blow me down!
Have you had one of those days where everything just goes - or rather doesn't go the right way?
I was offered a free session from my bank to help me sort out my accounts, so I accepted. A gentleman rang me twice to confirm the appointment. Very chatty and said he was looking forward to meeting me. Fine.
I turned up - on time for said appointment and he was informed I was there. Twenty five minutes later I was still waiting. At this moment in time I asked the girl behind the counter to tell him I was not prepared to wait any longer. "He's only on the phone" I was told!!!! I wish I had retorted that if I kept my class waiting 25 minutes whilst I took a phone call I would be sacked. What a nerve! The Alliance and Leicester will be hearing more about this - I am fed up with it!!
So to calm myself down, I walked to my favourite coffee shop for a cup of tea, at 3.50. (Note the time? In the UK that's TEA time) Walked in and was told "We're closed. Sorry!" So why didn't they bolt the door and put the sign at eyelevel for normal human beings? Even your son DLG would have had problems claiming the sign was at his eyelevel.
Oh bah humbug for today. I'm so cross I'm going to dig out another compost heap!
Have you had one of those days where everything just goes - or rather doesn't go the right way?
I was offered a free session from my bank to help me sort out my accounts, so I accepted. A gentleman rang me twice to confirm the appointment. Very chatty and said he was looking forward to meeting me. Fine.
I turned up - on time for said appointment and he was informed I was there. Twenty five minutes later I was still waiting. At this moment in time I asked the girl behind the counter to tell him I was not prepared to wait any longer. "He's only on the phone" I was told!!!! I wish I had retorted that if I kept my class waiting 25 minutes whilst I took a phone call I would be sacked. What a nerve! The Alliance and Leicester will be hearing more about this - I am fed up with it!!
So to calm myself down, I walked to my favourite coffee shop for a cup of tea, at 3.50. (Note the time? In the UK that's TEA time) Walked in and was told "We're closed. Sorry!" So why didn't they bolt the door and put the sign at eyelevel for normal human beings? Even your son DLG would have had problems claiming the sign was at his eyelevel.
Oh bah humbug for today. I'm so cross I'm going to dig out another compost heap!
Des Res
Where would you want to build a new des res? Close to water, food and work? Not too close to water so that the flooding problem doesn't affect you? In the country? Good view? Nice neighbours?
HAH! Nice neighbours - my foot! I'll show them 'NICE'!!!!
Oooh, I can almost hear you wincing, but these are the nasty little wasps that plague me each year. My garden played host to five nests last year, so far I have found two. One under the lead at the top of the wall of my conservatory, I couldn't see them but I could hear them whenever I sat in there. So I have had to troll round to my human neighbours with spray and steps in hand and commit murder at a (well not very great ) height. They have a little daughter and it would not be fair to ignore that nest - she might have been stung and they might have chewed through the plaster into my house. So, off with their heads!!
Nest two was even better. Under the redcurrant bush, at the base of the wall, near the pond. Good eh? Well, tonight they will not think so, I shall creep up at the first sign of darkness and commit murder again. Why? They didn't like me digging my veg patch, so tough, I am feeling very bolshy!!
Where would you want to build a new des res? Close to water, food and work? Not too close to water so that the flooding problem doesn't affect you? In the country? Good view? Nice neighbours?
HAH! Nice neighbours - my foot! I'll show them 'NICE'!!!!
Oooh, I can almost hear you wincing, but these are the nasty little wasps that plague me each year. My garden played host to five nests last year, so far I have found two. One under the lead at the top of the wall of my conservatory, I couldn't see them but I could hear them whenever I sat in there. So I have had to troll round to my human neighbours with spray and steps in hand and commit murder at a (well not very great ) height. They have a little daughter and it would not be fair to ignore that nest - she might have been stung and they might have chewed through the plaster into my house. So, off with their heads!!
Nest two was even better. Under the redcurrant bush, at the base of the wall, near the pond. Good eh? Well, tonight they will not think so, I shall creep up at the first sign of darkness and commit murder again. Why? They didn't like me digging my veg patch, so tough, I am feeling very bolshy!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Not Blogging
I have to own up to being very remiss about blogging - guilty as accused. Mea Culpa!
Excuses? I have none.
I have had a college friend staying with me and we have been to some lovely gardening places, the RHS Show at Tatton Park and Wollerton gardens near Market Drayton. Both of which were lovely; no, that doesn't do them justice, they were absolutely lovely! We came away with plants and ideas for future gardening scheme, for Clare they will be in Seattle. I love to think that ideas can be world wide on the gardening front.
So here are a few pickies, to start off with. More later, after I have dug my vegetable patch over and spread some compost....
These were in a small show garden at Tatton Park.
Wollerton was so lovely, and so close. I shall visit it again very soon!
This was a courtyard at the back of the Hall.
Now who do I know who can build me an archway in bricks in my garden!!
I have to own up to being very remiss about blogging - guilty as accused. Mea Culpa!
Excuses? I have none.
I have had a college friend staying with me and we have been to some lovely gardening places, the RHS Show at Tatton Park and Wollerton gardens near Market Drayton. Both of which were lovely; no, that doesn't do them justice, they were absolutely lovely! We came away with plants and ideas for future gardening scheme, for Clare they will be in Seattle. I love to think that ideas can be world wide on the gardening front.
So here are a few pickies, to start off with. More later, after I have dug my vegetable patch over and spread some compost....

Wollerton was so lovely, and so close. I shall visit it again very soon!

This was a courtyard at the back of the Hall.

Now who do I know who can build me an archway in bricks in my garden!!
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Isn't it strange?
How frustrated you feel when you can't post your thoughts at the moment of you r own choosing? Do real authors feel like this when they are writing I wonder?
Anyway, down to mundane things like the death of a washing machine and the design of your kitchen. If you ever have someone to build your kitchen, watch them like hawks when it comes to plumbing in the machinery; make sure they build the cupboards and then fit the essential robots, cos if they plumb then in as they go along, S**'s Law will come into force and when you need to replace them, you will need a plumber with bionic arms and night vision to be able to see and reach the outlet pipe or some such part of the gubbins.
So you can guess what has happened to me recently then?!!!
How frustrated you feel when you can't post your thoughts at the moment of you r own choosing? Do real authors feel like this when they are writing I wonder?
Anyway, down to mundane things like the death of a washing machine and the design of your kitchen. If you ever have someone to build your kitchen, watch them like hawks when it comes to plumbing in the machinery; make sure they build the cupboards and then fit the essential robots, cos if they plumb then in as they go along, S**'s Law will come into force and when you need to replace them, you will need a plumber with bionic arms and night vision to be able to see and reach the outlet pipe or some such part of the gubbins.
So you can guess what has happened to me recently then?!!!
Sunday, July 04, 2004
We won!!
You are probably thinking, footie, tennis, racing etc and you are all missing the point.
Our U-13 Girls' County Team beat the Welsh side hands down today at Oswestry. It was a well balanced match and would have been over much quicker if we had held our catches, but 5 squad members were threatened with a walk home instead of the comfortable car ride with their parents. However, we managed to outbowl them easily, so congratulations to Shropshire. Next match should be versus Herefordshire...
Oh yes, the important part - it was CRICKET!!!
You are probably thinking, footie, tennis, racing etc and you are all missing the point.
Our U-13 Girls' County Team beat the Welsh side hands down today at Oswestry. It was a well balanced match and would have been over much quicker if we had held our catches, but 5 squad members were threatened with a walk home instead of the comfortable car ride with their parents. However, we managed to outbowl them easily, so congratulations to Shropshire. Next match should be versus Herefordshire...
Oh yes, the important part - it was CRICKET!!!
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Poooffff! There, it has all disappeared..
I've totally lost it! In one weak moment of shopping, I have ended a lifetime's aversion and discovered a sensation which has been previously so foreign to me. Wow! Isn't it wonderful that these things can happen at any time in one's life? Incredible, that's what it is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I will continue with this experience and Pewari, it is all your fault.
I am not going to explain it, shame creeps in at this point and nothing will make me own up to my previous slothful existence. So, please excuse me if I trip back to another room in my life, with a smile on my face, a box that is filling repeatedly, the music blaring out and in an hour or so, the transformation will be complete!
Mrs M
I've totally lost it! In one weak moment of shopping, I have ended a lifetime's aversion and discovered a sensation which has been previously so foreign to me. Wow! Isn't it wonderful that these things can happen at any time in one's life? Incredible, that's what it is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I will continue with this experience and Pewari, it is all your fault.
I am not going to explain it, shame creeps in at this point and nothing will make me own up to my previous slothful existence. So, please excuse me if I trip back to another room in my life, with a smile on my face, a box that is filling repeatedly, the music blaring out and in an hour or so, the transformation will be complete!
Mrs M
Friday, July 02, 2004
Wow! A week-end, I am ready for some time off from marking papers, filling in forms etc. Today was lovely, we had a football game first thing in the morning and had to avoid the swallows and swifts on their low flying food hunt across the pitch! Cricket after school and a good time was had by all. Only two weeks to go to the end of term and a rest, well not really I need to weed the garden!
Wow! A week-end, I am ready for some time off from marking papers, filling in forms etc. Today was lovely, we had a football game first thing in the morning and had to avoid the swallows and swifts on their low flying food hunt across the pitch! Cricket after school and a good time was had by all. Only two weeks to go to the end of term and a rest, well not really I need to weed the garden!