I think I may have mentioned that I am working on a dissertation at the moment and that 'moment' is going to last until the end of February next year! It is proving to entail a lot of work. However, at this stage I am enjoying that work as it throws up all sorts of ideas that are novel and it also exposes nuggets of knowledge that I have always intuitively felt but not known that others, and indeed 'important' others have already considered and commented upon the subjects. I have a feeling of ignorance that causes a state of isolation, leading from the state of 'not knowing'.
Einstein is a man who I am getting to know in this vicarious way, his quotes keep appearing in the reading about my subject area. Even the rather dry methodology section is throwing up interesting comments from him.
'Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.'
Now this is one to chew on, especially when the research is going through a phase that seems to resemble a dark tunnel! Do you read on for many hours in the determination - that your viewpoint has some relevance and someone somewhere must have commented upon it?
What is a mediocre mind? What is a great spirit?
I think one day I shall read some of his works, rather than stumble across some of his sayings second hand. Mind you, this will probably not include his mathematical works - there my mediocre mind will surely show itself!
And what about this from Arthur Clark?
'It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.'
Eeek - how does that tie in with educators and education? !