I found it! Go make a drink and then come and see my very short slide show...
This is the most incredible des res. It almost bankrupted the French kings and was, I suspect, one of the causes of the French revolution. As you can imagine, it took plusieurs years to build, and even more millions of livres, even then the fools didn't live in it for long...tut tut. However, I am told they had to move frequently because the places got smelly very quickly - NO loos -- poooh!!

That's Shirl and Christiane in front - not the French royalty!! The skyline is crazy, the original plan was for a simple one with those lovely turrets, but old Francis was having none of that, he wanted more!

Isn't it lurvley? The cupola in the centre is the source of light for the double staircase in side - its one of those double spiral shapes like our genes, only there are two staircases going up at once. Brilliant!

Now I could have turned this around by 90 degrees, but either way it means a little neck twisting, but I think you can see the wonderful central tower. the windows look onto the staircases where you can see others climbing on the second set, but you cannot meet up with them until you reach the top or the bottom of the staircase. I can think of many families who would love this as an exercise for their squabbling children!

Isn't this lovely?? What a bed, and the room was one of those totally over the top affairs that we all dream of at one time in our lives, usually in childhood, but these queens slept in these when they were grown up .
Forgot to put the chateaux in - here it is....

And this is where I fell in love again - with the most handsome French man, sadly he was rather stoney and didn't exist below the neck - there is a bust of the French writer (and I can't remember his name at this moment!!!) it begins with an M) who is to die for in the long gallery crossing over the river. Wow. Got it Moliere!
Then if you are like me, you photograph these funny things too:

Twist your neck again - this is the guttering on the town hall in Blois!

And this is evidence that I am not the worst house cleaner in the world!!!
Now, back to the garden, today was lovely weather, tea outside again, the clematis scent was almost overpowering, and the pots looked good, so I couldn't resist!

This is refusing to take anymore pickies, so more another time!! But just breathe in that perfume.